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Walkabouts - 4/24/17

I tried using GCR to individualize. I learned how to make the assignments line up so there would be a path to follow. There were several glitches monitoring what kids are actually doing while "independently working" kids letting me know when they are done/stuck what should they do while waiting for a response from me First I thought of a list on the white board - just a list to say - "I'm done - please look at my work." Then - what to do while waiting - day-dreaming in church (sorry) came upon the idea of "walkabouts" - something related, relevant, self-guided, useful, purposeful to do when the teacher is busy SS - example - colonial unit - videos/games/simulations on Roanoke, Mayflower, first Thanksgiving, colonial life, review work, 5 minute sketch/doodle in booklet,  ELA  - Kidblog, AR test, independent reading, Mountain Climbing, MORE!! I thought of a way to notify me - Form? Sheet? Maybe form would allow me to collect times/
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4/24/17 part 2

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What Is ‘Transfer of Learning’ and How Does It Help Students? near - apply to similar situation - writing skills in content classes far - deeper - apply to entirely different situation explicit teaching - ask ss to apply in other situations group work - share and get feedback reflection - what strategies work for you? analogies and metaphors - help apply to own life  generalize - apply specific to bigger situation - seems like good resource Redefining Failure  -embrace failure - plan extra time and environment give groups "wicked problems" to solve - allow discussion and reflection colonial unit - situation arises with no easy solution - how solve? Words of the World - Learn the Origin of Words interesting intro to where words come from -  How Kids Learn Better By Taking Frequent Breaks Throughout The Day sharpen the ax - try to work more movement/breaks in Chrome Extensions Can Boost and Celebrate Literacy Am

Here's My Idea....

This blog will be my professional journal. Sometimes a place to gripe and complain. Sometimes a place to recount/remember a day. Sometimes a place to reflect on a blog or video - trying to improve. Sometimes a pep talk for a worn down teacher.☹